The Top 10 Strongest Mid Lane Champions of League of Legends

In the world of competitive League of Legends, the mid-lane is often considered the most important position on the map. The mid lane is the shortest distance between the two outer lanes, and as a result, mid-lane champions often have the ability to impact the game in a very significant way.

In this blog post, we’ll be taking a look at the 10 strongest mid-lane champions in the current meta. We’ll be considering a variety of factors, such as their raw power, lane dominance, teamfight potential, and overall utility. Many of the top lol elo boosters even use these champions because they’re so strong.

1. Ahri


Ahri is a nine-tailed fox spirit who is one of the most iconic and powerful champions in League of Legends, and she’s a highly versatile and dangerous mid-lane champion. She has a very strong lane phase and is capable of taking down most opponents with ease. Ahri’s ultimate, Spirit Rush, is also one of the most powerful engage/disengage tools in the game, and she can use it to easily kite and avoid enemy damage.

2. Syndra


Syndra is a young woman who was taken in and trained by the Dark Star, Xerath. She is a very strong lane bully and is capable of easily taking down most opponents. She has strong crowd control abilities, and her ultimate, Unleashed Power, can deal massive amounts of damage. Syndra is also very good at taking down towers and can easily push lanes with her large damage output.

3. Kassadin

Kassadin is a voidwalker who has pledged to destroy the evil forces of the void. Kassadin is a very potent late-game carry and is one of the most feared champions in the game. He has a solid kit with abilities that allow him to burst down opponents easily. Kassadin’s ultimate, Riftwalk, is also one of the most powerful engage/disengage tools in the game, and he can use it to chase up the enemies while doing burst damage easily.

4. Orianna


Orianna is a very strong control mage capable of easily shutting down most opponents. She has strong crowd control abilities, and her ultimate, Command: Shockwave, can deal massive amounts of damage and provide crowd control. Orianna is also very good at taking down towers and can easily push lanes with her large damage output.

5. Annie


Annie is a very strong lane bully and is capable of easily taking down most opponents. She has strong crowd control abilities, and her passive allows her to stun the enemy on every full stack. Annie is also very good at taking down towers and can easily push lanes with her large damage output.

6. Vladimir


Vladimir is a highly durable and dangerous mid lane champion. He has a robust kit with abilities that allow him to easily heal and escape from fights. Vladimir’s combo can also deal massive amounts of damage and can easily turn the tide of a teamfight by eliminating the enemy carries.

7. Diana


Diana is a warrior of the moon who has sworn to avenge the death of her family. Diana is a very strong duelist and is capable of easily taking down most opponents. She has strong crowd control abilities, and her ultimate, Lunar Rush, can deal massive amounts of damage and provide crowd control. Diana is also very good in terms of a jungle champion as she can power farm in the early game and deal an extensive amount of damage and cc while ganking lanes.

8. Fizz

Fizz is a young boy transformed into a fish-like creature by a magical potion. Fizz is a very strong duelist and is capable of easily taking down most opponents. He is very strong as an assassin mage and his ultimate, Chum the Waters, can deal massive amounts of damage while knocking the enemy target up. His E ability allows him to avoid damage every few seconds, making him extremely difficult to take down.

9. Zed


Zed is a highly versatile and dangerous mid-lane champion. He has a powerful kit with abilities that allow him to burst down opponents easily and escape the fighting scene. Zed’s combo does a significant deal of damage; however, it can sometimes be countered by building Zhonya’s Hourglass or ultimate abilities from Zilean or Kindred.

10. Talon

Talon is a ruthless assassin who hails from the city of Noxus. He is a very strong duelist and can easily take down most opponents even at level 2. His combo can deal massive amounts of damage in conjunction with his passive bleed. Talon is also very good at roaming and helping teammates because his E ability allows him to flip over walls, and his ultimate ability grants him extra movement speed and invisibility.

The mid-lane in League of Legends is often thought of as the most important position on the map. The mid lane is home to some of the game’s most iconic and influential champions. If you’re a damage dealer and play in an aggressive style, the champions mentioned above are a must-try!