There is a wide range of reasons why you might want to learn more about geolocation tracking – for example, you might want to know where your child or children are at all times or you might want to ensure that you can track and find your phone if you lose it. No matter what your reasons are, geolocation tracking can be quite beneficial.
However, if you’ve never used a GPS tracking app before, you might be wondering how it works. Fortunately for all individuals that are wondering the same thing, our 2024 guide will shed some light on the entire topic. Before we take a look at how it works on smartphone devices, let’s discover what it is:
Geolocation Tracking: Explained

As you already know, all smartphones feature GPS chips, and the tech behind it is commonly referred to as geolocation. Whether you’re a faithful iOS user or if you prefer Android devices, you can use the geolocation feature for telling your friends, family members, or spouse where you are. However, you can also use it to find different places such as restaurants, bars, shopping malls, tourist attraction spots, and so on.
So, How Does it Work?
For starters, you should know that geolocation applications do two things – first, they can report your real-time location to other individuals and they can also connect your location to real places and venues such as a shopping mall or restaurant. Now, apps that are directly installed on smartphone devices tend to provide better information than ones installed on computers or laptops, mostly because they can send info as your whereabouts change.
As mentioned, almost all mobile phone have GPS chips inside, and the chips utilize satellite data to determine your exact position, similar to what Google Maps do when you access the app. If the signal is unavailable, a geolocation app can utilize information from cellular towers to establish your location. Though this method cannot provide you with accurate results as a GPS chip, it still is beneficial since it can provide an approximate position.
Can The Same App Be Used For iOS & Android Phones?

Now, you should know, most apps will only work for either iOS or Android devices, however, there are also some that’ll work for both platforms.
Check them out:
No matter what app you choose to use, it’s important that you consider the different features it can provide you with. So, before you choose a particular app, you should ensure that you compare everything, from the features to the price.
Besides checking the features – such as whether or not it’ll allow you to check your child’s browsing history – and the price, there is also one other important thing to check – the reviews left by previous consumers. Now, of course, the first place you’ll read them is on the official website of the company that developed the app, however, independent review sites are also an option, especially since the testimonials left there tend to be more honest.
Are There Any Benefits to it?
No guide on this topic would be complete without mentioning the benefits you could gain from using a geolocation tracking app. For starters, it’s incredibly beneficial for parents since they’ll know where their children are at all times. But, besides this, parents can use it for tracking their online activity, seeing with whom they’re speaking to, and they can also use it for creating a geo-fence, meaning that they can get notified if their kids access areas that might be too dangerous or far from their homes.
Also, if you suspect that someone stole your phone or if you’ve misplaced it, such applications can help you quickly locate it. However, keep in mind, if someone did steal your phone, you shouldn’t go after it by yourself, instead, it might be best if you notify the law enforcement first, mostly because this can ensure that you’re safe. Thus, never try tracking the person that stole your phone alone, head to the location with a police officer.
Additionally, if your teenage daughter or son started driving recently, a geolocation tracking program can help you keep them safe. How? Well, for instance, if their car breaks down in the middle of nowhere, they might not know how to explain where they are, which is exactly where geolocation apps come into play. With it, you’ll know where they are, thus, you can head there with a mechanic to help.
And finally, yes, you can use it for checking in on your spouse, however, it might be best if you only use it for this purpose and later on, delete the app. After all, you don’t want your partner to lose the trust they have in you, thus, if this is something that you really need to do, do it, but be extra careful. There are apps that are basically undetectable, thus, you could use them for this particular purpose if you cannot do anything else about it.
Paid or Free?

Lastly, it’s worth mentioning that there are some free geolocation tracking programs available on the market, however, they might not be accurate and they might not offer the same features as paid programs. Because of this, it’s, perhaps, better if you opt for purchasing an app, mostly because you’ll receive all the premium features – such as access to the browsing history or messaging apps – and you’ll also ensure that you receive accurate and precise information about someone’s location.
As mentioned at the beginning of our 2024 guide, whatever reason you have for installing a geolocation tracking app, it can be quite beneficial for you. Not only will it allow you to share your location with your family, relatives, and friends, but it’ll also allow you to track your phone if it gets stolen or lost, and more importantly, you’ll know where your child or children are at all times.
Since you’ve now learned the concept behind geolocation tracking, as well as how it functions, you shouldn’t spend any more time reading articles similar to this one. Instead, you should start looking for a suitable app that is suitable for all the needs and requirements you have.