It became very popular for people to connect more than a single monitor when they are building a PC set-up. There are many advantages of this option. First of all, we have to mentioned the improved flexibility. For example, if you are working as a graphic designer, you will have a chance to deal with much more details at once, or observe different parts of the project at the same time.
Also, it is not a rare case that people choose this type of set-up for their offices. It allows people to deal with different things at once. For example, you can check your emails all the time, while the table with spreadsheets is active and you can check the data at the same time.
Music producers prefer using more than one monitor as well since that will allow them to have a much better insight into their projects. You can open various instances and use them at the same time. Gamers prefer it as well because it can bring more fun with bigger screen and show more details while playing. If you are interested in a triple monitor gaming desk or some other type of setup, here are some of the most important things that will help you make the right choice.
Select the Outline

The position of the monitors is crucial when you are choosing the stand for them. It depends on your preferences and things you are planning to do with this setup. For example, it does not have to be the same for gamers and people who are working as producers or designers.
The reason for that is that gaming monitors must be aligned properly next to each other so they can represent one wide screen. On the other hand, you can be more flexible when you are planning to use them for work since not all of them must be aligned.
Durability and Flexibility

These are some of the most important characteristics to check when you are choosing a stand. The point is to use one that will keep the monitors in the right position and provide you with the ability to move them in different directions.
For instance, if you have a large table and a chair with wheels, it is convenient if the stand can move as well, so you can always secure the right position while working or playing games. The same is for standing tables. If you want to switch to the standing mode, it would be a great option if you can easily move the screens as well.
Moreover, the stability is one of the crucial features, and you should keep that in mind when choosing this product. The biggest mistake would be to get a cheaper product on some foreign online store, and then decide to mount your three expensive monitors to it. The worse thing that can happen is facing damaged screens if the stand cannot handle the weight.

This is another thing to look for when choosing this option. It depends on your preferences, and if you find it important, be sure to get a stand that has a color suitable to monitors or a table. The additional features can make a difference as well, such as the ability to lift the screen up and down, change the distance between the monitors, and more.
Besides the size, the space has for this setup is also important. There are different options you can choose, like a standing point where the stand is fixed to the table, or the ability to fix it to some other surface. It depends on the space you have for it. If you don’t have a large table, a much better option would be to fix the screens on the wall.
Benefits of Using This Setup

First of all, we have to mention the productivity. Whatever the work you are doing at home or the office, having the ability to use divided screens will help you deal with more things at once. it can help people working in almost every area. For example, if you are writing an article, you can use one screen for writing, while the other two will help you to read the references and some guidelines.
People who are coding can test their codes before they apply them on some software, designers can have a much better insight of their work, and much more. Multitasking is often the main reason why people choose to have this, but interesting design convenience are also playing an important role.
On the other side, be sure to choose the right screens for this setup as well since there is a lot of space for mistakes that will ruin your experience. The best example of that is using screens of different sizes. It is never a good solution to bind screens of 19, 22, or 27 inches together.
It might be a good solution for people who only need additional screen for more information and productivity, but you won’t have a good output and design. Also, gamers should avoid it as well.
Another thing to look for is the refresh rate. Combining monitors with different refresh rate will also ruin the experience if you use all three to play some content.
The Bottom Line
The most important things to check before you get a stand for your three screens are durability, flexibility, quality, and price. Still, the selection of monitors is even more important, which is the main reason why you should always choose them before the desk. Check the features of your screens and be sure that they have the same size and refresh rate so you can secure the best experience when you combine them.
When it comes to other features like the ability to set them apart, change height and distance, and more, it all depends on your needs and preferences. In that matter, determine your requirements before building this setup.