Interesting and Cool Websites on internet to visit for fun

Interesting and Cool Websites to Visit for Fun

If you are bored and want some stuff to spent some time to get rid of boredom? Here are the most Interesting and Cool Websites to spent time for Fun.

On the Web, there is an absolutely colossal number of cool Internet websites, which range from a very large social network with millions of users to a small blog that is read-only by its author. And between the two, we find a bit of everything. Cats, videos, porn, Bing, Internet Explorer, as well as very Cool Websites, but which do not have the success they deserve. 

Discover these interesting websites that will change your life.

Interesting and Cool Websites to have Fun

Here are the top Cool Websites to visit in 2024:

  1. 10 Minute Mail
  2. Mathway
  3. Fake Name Generator
  4. What The Font
  5. Camel Camel Camel
  6. Online Etymology Dictionary
  7. Account Killer
  8. What The F*ck Should I Make For Dinner
  9. Down For Everyone or Just Me
  10. Date To Date Calculator
  11. Practical Typography
  12. Strip Creator
  13. Adobe Color
  14. Online Alarm Clock
  15. Word Frequency Counter
  16. The Rasterbator
  17. The Scale of The Universe 2
  18. A Good Movie to Watch
  19. Flip Text
  20. Can I Stream It?
  21. Print Friendly
  22. This To That
  24. Ripe Track
  25. GIF Print
  26. The Useless Web
  27. Badger Badger Badger

10 Minute Mail

10 Minute Mail is a very handy interesting website that allows you to get an email address that works for 3 or 10 minutes. More than useful when you want to avoid registering for a site with your real e-mail address, especially for a single-use. 


Mathway is the cool website to use if math is your worst enemy. Of course, it can also be used as a “help” for homework, but I would be surprised if you could use it during an exam.

Fake Name Generator

In case you are sued by the mafia, you will surely need to create a new identity. If you are lacking inspiration, Fake Name Generator will help you, since this site allows you to create a very complete false identity.

What The Font

Have you ever found yourself in that horrible situation where you couldn’t tell the difference between Times New Roman and Arial Unicode MS? If so, it’s okay, you’re normal. You’ll love What The Font, a site that lets you determine the font used on an image or document.

Camel Camel Camel

If your budget is not very high and you spend time on Amazon, you will be able to choose the best time to buy your favorite products. Camel Camel Camel is a site that allows you to follow the evolution of the price of items for sale on Amazon. Useful for both buying and selling. This is surely a fun website for those who love to shop.

Online Etymology Dictionary

Whether it’s writing a thesis, doing roleplay, or simply expanding your knowledge, you always have to use the right words to make yourself understood. In the absence of a dictionary, the Online Etymology Dictionary site allows you to discover the etymological origins of a word, as well as the evolution of its meaning over time. 

Account Killer

Do you have too many social network accounts and want to get rid of them for good? As it is not easy, the Account Killer site explains how to delete your Facebook, Skype, iTunes, etc. account.

What The F*ck Should I Make For Dinner

This site offers you random dishes if you don’t know what to cook. Convenient, especially since there is always a link directing you to the recipe. Note: The site is slightly offensive, but nothing really serious and can be fun.

Down For Everyone or Just Me

Have you ever found yourself in front of the websites and realize that you do not have access to it? But at the time, it is difficult to know if the site fell or if it is at your home that the shoe pinches. With Down For Everyone Or Just Me, you will finally have the answer.

Date To Date Calculator

Figuring out the exact number of days that have passed between two dates is a puzzle unless you are good at math or have good logic. The Date to Date Calculator is an interesting website that allows you to find the time difference between two dates. You will even find the result in seconds, minutes, and other units of time.

Practical Typography

In our daily life, typography is important, especially in official documents. But the typographic rules aren’t widely known, and you’re probably going to need a helping hand. No problem, the Practical Typography site explains all the rules and gives you very simple examples. 

Strip Creator

This website is undoubtedly a little better known than the others, but it is still a very amazing website. Create your own comics in minutes, with humor and talent. Ready to take over from René Goscinny? It’s this way.

Adobe Color

If there is one thing that takes time on Illustrator, InDesign, or Photoshop, it is how to choose the right colors, so that they match each other. Just to do something not too ugly. Thanks to Adobe COLOR, you can visualize the different color palettes, and see which are complementary. In addition, the color codes are below. Great, right?

Online Alarm Clock

With the Online Alarm Clock, you can set up an alarm on the internet. This is very practical if you have lost your alarm clock, or if you have forgotten your phone at a friend’s house. Don’t forget to adjust it and choose the sound, the basic one being particularly atrocious.

Word Frequency Counter

Very handy when writing articles, a cover letter, or even a book, the WriteWords site, via its Word Frequency Counter option, allows you to see how many times you have used each word in a text. 

The Rasterbator

Thanks to the Rasterbator site, you can transform any image into a poster, small or large. What is great is that once the image is cut, you just have to print the different pieces at home, then assemble them on your wall.

The Scale of The Universe 2

Very well done, this Cool Website allows you to discover the smallest thing in the Universe as well as the largest. You just have to scroll to modify the observation scale. By clicking on an element, you get more information about it. 

A Good Movie to Watch

Nothing to watch on TV? Can’t even find a lovely movie by searching the net? Do not search anymore! The “A Good Movie To Watch” website will randomly suggest a movie you like.

Flip Text

Ok, this site is probably less useful than the others, but it’s still fun to do. Especially since it drives readers crazy. ¡ɟןǝsɹnoʎ ʎoظuǝ

Can I Stream It?

Finding a particular movie for streaming is not always easy, especially with the huge number of sites that request weird registrations. But thanks to Can I Stream It, you can quickly find the sites on which your film is available for streaming!

Print Friendly

Print Friendly allows you to generate a printable pdf version of a web page but optimizing it in order to use as few sheets and ink as possible. The net can also be green.

This To That

This cool website is for DIYers, and lets you know the best product to fix two items together. What’s more, a lot of advice is given to you.

If you want to wake up fresh in the morning before going to work, gives you the most suitable times to go to bed. These are determined on the basis of sleep cycles.

Ripe Track

Ripe Track is a site that tells you the best times of the year to be able to eat fruit during the right period. Tasty strawberries and juicy pineapples, anyone?

GIF Print

The GIFs are absolutely great, but you can only see them on a screen. Thanks to GIF Print, you can print a GIF on a flipbook, and enjoy it even on the street.

The Useless Web

The Useless Web is the absolutely necessary tool for any self-respecting procrastinator. Whenever you use the site, it sends you to a site that is useless. 

Badger Badger Badger

There, I have nothing more to offer you. So if you like, you can keep your eyes on the video. It is looped. You’re welcome.

Welcome to the Internet.

Summary – Cool and Interesting Sites

As I told you earlier, the Internet is full of various Cool Websites to have some fun. Sometimes we feel bore and want to spend some time, and the Internet comes to rescue us with these Interesting websites. Just have a look at these sites for Fun.

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