How Perfect Videos Influence YouTube Growth?

What started as a video sharing platform for falling kitten videos is now a hub for Entertainment, Education, News, and even life skills. Youtube creators make more money than some CEO of huge companies by using various techniques and a great YouTube video editor like this one here.

But, it’s not just talent or plain showboating; substantial amounts of Marketing and Business acumen go into achieving this status quo. For some, it took years; for others, months. In this article, we have provided various strategies coupled with factual data and demonstrable statistics so that you might find yourself in the latter group of the two. Making money might not be your only goal with your channel, but we can certainly help you with it.

Who Are the Top Earners on Youtube?

These are the most successful Youtubers out there. All of them earned over $10 million last year.

  1. Ryan Kaji – $26 million
  2. Dude Perfect – $20 million
  3. Nastya – $18 million
  4. Rhett and Link – $17.5 million
  5. Jeffree Star – $17 million
  6. Preston Arsement – $14 million
  7. PewDiePie – $13 million
  8. Markiplier – $13 million
  9. Daniel Middleton – $12 million
  10. Mr. Beast – $12 million

Well, we’re about to tell you shortly.

Are You Paid to Upload on Youtube? If Not, Then How Do You Make Money?

You’re not paid to upload videos by default on Youtube. For your videos to be monetized, you must turn on monetization on your settings and join the Youtube Partners Program. These are the minimum requirements you must fulfill:

  • Follow all YouTube monetization policies.
  • Live in a country or region where the YouTube Partners Program is available.
  • Have more than 4000 valid public watch hours in the last 12 months.
  • Have more than 1000 subscribers.
  • Have a linked AdSense account.

Your subscriber count or views certainly matter how much money you make money off of your uploads, but they are not the only thing. You may have a comparatively lower number of subscribers or views, but if you generate enough engagement in a niche and explore revenue channels that pay more, you might find yourself in the top 10 list.

  • It is also possible to license your content to media houses. Let’s say you made a viral video of a dog, and a media company wants to feature that particular clip on one of their shows; It is possible to license that clip to the media. The more the clip is played, the more you earn. You must ensure that your videos are not uploaded under a Creative Commons license. This is essential as it allows you to claim your work and control how it is used. A Standard Youtube License will also allow you to ensure legal protection in case of any mishaps.
  • It is also possible to license your content to media houses. Let’s say you made a viral video of a dog, and a media company wants to feature that particular clip on one of their shows; It is possible to license that clip to the media. The more the clip is played, the more you earn. You must ensure that your videos are not uploaded under a Creative Commons license. This is essential as it allows you to claim your work and control how it is used. A Standard Youtube License will also allow you to ensure legal protection in case of any mishaps.
  • It is also possible to license your content to media houses. Let’s say you made a viral video of a dog, and a media company wants to feature that particular clip on one of their shows; It is possible to license that clip to the media. The more the clip is played, the more you earn. You must ensure that your videos are not uploaded under a Creative Commons license. This is essential as it allows you to claim your work and control how it is used. A Standard Youtube License will also allow you to ensure legal protection in case of any mishaps.
  • It is also possible to license your content to media houses. Let’s say you made a viral video of a dog, and a media company wants to feature that particular clip on one of their shows; It is possible to license that clip to the media. The more the clip is played, the more you earn. You must ensure that your videos are not uploaded under a Creative Commons license. This is essential as it allows you to claim your work and control how it is used. A Standard Youtube License will also allow you to ensure legal protection in case of any mishaps.

Who is Watching Your Youtube Channel?

This platform is unique in the way it functions and yet has features that regular Entertainment Platforms do. Youtube allows you to analyze the demographics of your viewers and subscribers. The more niche your channel, the better you can work with advertisers to cater to that particular audience.

Here are some things to keep in mind when analyzing the statistics:

  • The gender of your audience, and if it is skewed towards a single one.
  • The Age range of your audience.
  • The geographic location of your audience, again, notice if it is higher in a particular country.
  • Overall engagement, or total watch time.

Armed with this data, you’ll be on the path of becoming a famous Youtuber yourself. But, there’s still something missing, something so paramount that if you don’t manage to do that, everything we told you to do above will be in vain. 

How to Make Perfect Videos?

Anything you do later will never come to fruition if you did not manage to make a good video. We’re not making any aspersions on your ability to produce quality content, but having worked in the industry for so long, we know that although many creators put up quality content, only a few manage to ensure Monetisation and, as a subsequent effect of that, success.

It’s no real secret why that is; the creators that are the most successful edit and affect their videos to make them as perfect as they can. That makes the videos attractive, widely consumable, and monetizable. is a video editor that helps you edit and create awesome videos. It serves media companies, creators, professionals, brands, and small businesses to increase and ratify their revenue through quality video content. It is ideal for Marketing agencies and individuals looking to elevate their online footprint by helping them to create high quality brand content. It offers a free trial, after which you may convert to a fully paid version.

It offers In-person and online training for its use, is fully online, and has 24/7 client support. Various features of Invideo include:

  •  Animation — 3D and 2D animations to spruce up your videos.
  •  Collaboration Tools – It allows for shared editing of videos with peers.
  • Customizable Branding – Allows you to create and design your own thumbnails.
  • Privacy Options – Offers various privacy options which allow you to hide sensitive information
  • Social Sharing Templates – Various templates to enable sharing features of various social media websites.
  • Text Overlay, Text to Video – Allows you to convert textual data into video 
  • Video Capture, Creation and Voice-Over

It also has various video management features that allow you to add various features to your videos to make them more accessible.


Analytics from Youtube has shown that well-edited videos have a far greater reach and possess caliber to be viral content. Videos with mediocre sound and sloppy camerawork, and no editing rarely enter the popular sphere. Although the content might be desirable, they always fall short of their goal due to the lack of quality editing. This software provides a host of these features to aid and abet the creator to better monetize their videos and have a successful channel.

Follow these strategies, and you just might find yourself on one of the Top 10 Youtubers list anytime soon.

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